
You can find your County Commission member's contact information here.

The meetings of the Knox County Commission are open to the public. In fact, Commission meetings are broadcast live over cable television each month. All committee meetings are also open to the public.

Here is the procedure for citizens attending a County Commission meeting in Knoxville (original language can be found on pages 2, 9, and 20 of the Knox County Commission Rules document).

  • If any person refuses to remain orderly, the Chair will call that person to order. If the person refuses to come to order, the Chair has the right to order the person’s removal from the meeting. This person can only return if the Chair approves, or through a majority vote of the present Commissioners. This section also applies to members of the general public.
  • The Commission provides the public the opportunity at the Agenda Work Session and Commission meetings to address each agenda item during the Commission’s discussion or consideration of an agenda item. Citizens are also provided additional opportunities to express an opinion on any matter during Public Forum. Each person so appearing shall be allowed five (5) minutes unless otherwise provided by the Commission. Citizens appearing before the Commission shall state their name and residential address or business address for the record. Employees of Knox County only need to state their first and last name, title and department name.
  • Each witness or citizen shall state their name and residential address or business address before giving testimony. No witness shall be permitted to testify on the same matter more than once, except by special permission given by vote of the Commission. This shall not preclude attorneys or others representing applicants or opponents from asking questions of witnesses.

If you're wondering how County Commission meetings are organized, please see this summary of Robert's Rules of Order and the source Knox County Commission Rules.

Please remember to be courteous and polite, focus on issues and not personalities, and listen to the other side when engaging with your County Commission member and participating in a public meeting!