
Evaluating High-Visibility Enforcement of Bicycle Passing Laws

In 2018, Bike Walk Knoxville was proud to partner with the City of Knoxville, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to conduct a study focused on educating drivers and protecting the lives of bicyclists in Knoxville.

Knoxville Bicycle and Pedestrian Crashes - Map, Crash Facts

Data from the Knoxville Regional TPO on Bicycle and Pedestrian Crashes in our area.

UT Knoxville Study 

Report showing Tennessee voter support for investments in biking and walking.

2022 State Report Cards

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership has measured each state on walking, biking and physical activity. You can view Tennessee’s score compared to other states and learn more about what we are doing well and what we need to improve on.

Benefits of Safe Routes to School 

Here is a list of benefits associated with children walking/biking to school more. These benefit include increased safety, lower transportation costs, increased student performance, increased health, and more.

Bicycle Friendly America

A tool from the League of American Bicyclists for states, communities, business and universities to make bicycling a real transportation and recreation option for all people. The program highlights and recognizes those doing it well.

2022 Dangerous By Design Report

A report created by Smart Growth America that looks at the role of design in the epidemic of pedestrian fatalities in America. 

Benchmarking Project

The Benchmarking Project is a project of the League of American Bicyclists and the CDC’s Active People, Healthy Nation initiative. It continues work started by the Alliance for Biking and Walking in 2007, and published through six editions of physical reports. This ongoing project is intended to be a guide to publicly available data on bicycling and walking, and the public policy that supports creating a healthy, active America through bicycling and walking. 

State of Our State: Transportation and Mobility

This report from ThinkTennessee compiles data on the current state of Tennessee’s transportation infrastructure and its impact on Tennesseans, highlights the most urgent transportation needs and offers recommendations of evidence-based policies that can address these challenges. The Changing Lanes: Investing in Multimodal Transportation Options Will Improve Outcomes for Tennesseans policy brief provides a summary of ThinkTennessee's key findings and recommendations.

TDOT VRU Safety Assessment

The Tennessee Vulnerable Road User (VRU) Safety Assessment is a comprehensive initiative aimed at understanding the factors contributing to the increasing number of VRU crashes in Tennessee.