We want everyone to be safe and have fun while participating in the Tour de Lights bike ride! There are some challenges that go along with riding with over a thousand other bicyclists. Please check out the safety tips below:
- Wear a helmet! Not only is this for your safety, but you’ll be serving as a good role model for the kids. Kids under age 16 are required to wear a helmet by law.
- By law, your bike should be equipped with a front white headlight and red rear reflector or tail light.
- Make sure your bike is safe and in good working condition before the ride. We recommend taking your bike for a short test ride the week before the event. Make sure your tires have enough air!
- We want everyone to join in the festivities and dress up themselves and their bike! Please make sure your costume does not include loose items that could tangle in your bike (or someone else's) and create a safety hazard.
When riding in a large group:
- Maintain a safe distance between yourself and the people around you, especially when going downhill.
- Faster bicyclists should pass on the left; slower bicyclists should stay to the right. Move all the way to the right and get off the road if you have to stop for any reason.
- Use hand signals when turning or stopping unexpectedly. Signal with your voice before passing — call out "on your right" or "on your left" if you are passing someone closely.
- Control your speed and slow down for congestion and hazardous conditions.
- Crashes can occur when inexperienced riders don’t have adequate bike-handling skills or when kids don’t pay attention to their surroundings (if you aren’t confident about your child’s handling skills/attention, consider bringing them in a tag-along/trail-a-bike or bike trailer). When kids swerve unexpectedly on a crowded street, it is dangerous for other bicyclists.
- Please make sure children stay with an adult. It will be dark and there are a lot of people, which makes it easy to get lost. Talk to your child ahead of time and make sure they understand that they need to stay with you.
- Remember to shift to lower gears as you approach a hill, not while you are climbing the hill.
Ride marshals: There will be volunteer ride marshals throughout the group to provide support. They will be identified by Bike Walk Knoxville reflective vests. Their job is to monitor safety and etiquette along the route – please listen if they ask you to follow the rules. There will also be some in the rear who ensure that no one is left behind or gets lost.
We need volunteer ride marshals! Please contact Bike Walk Knoxville Executive Director Lindsey Kimble at Lindsey.Kimble@bikewalktn.org if interested!